
They say procrastination is the thief of time. I though find it gives me more time; I just don’t use it wisely. Procrastination leads to boredom and sometimes stress as you try and come up with more inventive ways to kill the boredom and still manage to refuse to do what you set out to do in the first place. In most cases, it would actually have been easier to perform the task that one is procrastinating from doing.

Why then do we procrastinate? I probably use the excuse that I work better with a tight deadline. I don’t, but that doesn’t stop me from telling myself this fallacy. I’m sure others do precisely the same. If you’re reading this, I et you are currently procrastinating. I can see no other reason than that for why you would be reading these ill-thought-out ideas and my ability to ramble for a few paragraphs about some part of life that is annoying me on this particular day. Maybe you would be better off just doing the dishes, and you’ll feel better once you’ve done them. Trust me.

On that note, I should probably go and do my dishes.

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