
When I move, I stir up dust. I watch the particles dance through a beam of light. The movement is cut short when they fall outside the beam, only for the dance to start up again when the dust hits the next ray of light. Slowly, they fall to the ground, dancing as they go, […]


Writing. It comes in waves. Some weeks the words crash down on the shores of your mind. The next, it is as flat as a millpond. Nothing. Writing is not the only part of my life that comes in waves. Emotions, ideas, willingness, all come in waves. Is that because we are mostly water, and […]


all our life we walk around like we’re on ice scared to say scared to act scared to exist

The Darkness

I feel like looking into the abyss is a cliche. Yet, I think tonight that I am yet again staring into the abyss. It is a strange hollow feeling, slightly nauseous. I sit and type these words, watching the characters fill the stark white screen, and wonder, “Am I really looking into the abyss?” Is […]


Arguments. Why do I always get pulled in? I try and be considerate, and the more I try and appease others, the more apoplectic the anger gets—torrents of it. I wonder if trying to be “nice” is the reason. I remember when I would defend myself with vigour, and I never seemed to get as […]